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Writer's picture: Marcy DiehlMarcy Diehl

Have you ever stopped to think about how many amazing people we have in our lives. I am so grateful to a lifestyle packed with such incredible people in so many different areas

People who genuinely have our best interests at heart

People who’s word is of value

People who follow through with the things they say they are going to do!

People who don’t justify their behaviors in all scenarios.

People who support each of us on our journey.

People who accept us for simply being ourselves.

People who LOVE TO LAUGH and be silly.

People who are willing to take chances.

People who look in the mirror and show up for themselves

People who accept others and don’t judge by looks and or hear say

People who are invested in our best interest.

People who don’t say one thing and do another.

People who are kind to others.

People who don’t give up and quit on us.

People who don’t try to be better than others.

People who are resourceful.

People who are not hurtful and are able to look at their own part in a scenario.

People who we haven’t seen in years and still can catch up like it was yesterday.

People who don’t exclude you because of their social status.

People who are struggling in their own ways and still show up.

People who aren’t selfish!

People who are go getters!

People who don’t talk shit behind your back and or others and then love on them.

People who love to be a part of life and life’s adventures!!

People who are sick and fighting something you may not even know about.

People that know when something is wrong or just off and they check in.

People that respect your journey!

There are so many incredible people in my own personal life. Of course we all have our flaws and I respect that although I took the time today to stop and record some of the amazing traits of some of the most important people in my life and I can’t imagine my life without them.

Somebody said this to me the other day, I have heard it before many times although as of late it really resonated with me…..

“People come into our lives for a Season a Reason or a Lifetime”

Be sure to take the time to tell someone/whoever it may be today just how much they mean to you

BTW … if you read this in its entirety you are MY PEOPLE and I am grateful to have you on and as a part of my journey through life

xoxo- Marcy

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