Why is it you can start a diet bursting with motivation, ready to transform your life…
And then a few weeks in, your willpower has totally gone to the way side , and you’re ready to give up for good?
More than likely you have probably taken on way more than you can handle thinking you “Got this Shit” this time!!!
Or there is the type of motivation you are applying to your healthy lifestyle journey there are two kinds of motivation…
Extrinsic motivation which comes from outside yourself…
Intrinsic motivation comes which will come from within...
EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION runs on guilt and people-pleasing. This also comes from all of that social media and comparison stuff I was talking about last week!!! When you’re motivated this way, you are simply trying to lose weight to impress others or win approval from your peers!! This may be what you think is a fantastic way to get started although it’s definitely not “Finish Line”worthy.
INTRINSIC MOTIVATION revolves around your why and those MEANINGFUL reasons “Why” you want to lose weight.
Some of those “Why” reasons could maybe be to boost your confidence, or to have more energy maybe to to overall improve your health you get what I am laying down don’t you??
As it turns out and studies have proven to us all that weight loss is MUCH more successful in the long run when you’re motivated from within.
I would like to share a few ways to help keep you Motivated and strengthen what you already have rolling from within your soul!
REMEMBER YOUR WHY The more meaningful your goals are, the more motivated you’ll be to keep pushing forward. So get clear on your why and revisit it every day.
LISTEN TO OTHERS STORIES. Hearing others and their success stories helps you know it’s possible for you too. After all, if they can do it – so can YOU.
GET SUPPORT AND CHOOSE YOUR TRIBE CAREFULLY Having positive people to cheer you on helps you stay on top of your weight loss goals. It doesn’t matter whether that support is via social media or in person!

Most important as you continue on along your journey be sure to write down goals for yourself moving forward or even for within that same day! Keep track of both your small and big wins and be sure to CELEBRATE!!
If you are looking to set sail on a weight loss and or lifestyle change journey please send me a DM or give me a call!! I am always available and I love watching others WIN!!!!